Initial Privacy Notice of Cori Financial & Insurance Services

We take pride in guarding your privacy. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal and financial data.

We provide products and services that involve private and sensitive data. Guarding and keeping it safe is vital to us. This notice explains our data policies and practices. First, we want you to know how we collect, store, and protect your data. Second, we want to inform you about our data sharing policies.

We collect only the minimum data required to deliver products and services to you. The data we collect varies and may include:

Application Data: Data you give to us or the companies we represent. Examples include assets, income, social security numbers, medical records, and family data including contact information.

Employer Data:  Data from your employer or benefit plans sponsors on any group products we may recommend or provide. Examples include name, date of birth, address, income, medical records, family data, job description and social security numbers.

Transaction and Experience Data: Data about your contact with us and our business partners. Examples are payment history, beneficiary changes, ownership changes, and/or claims history.

We limit how, when and where we share your data.

First:  We do not sell your personal or financial data to anyone. We do not disclose your customer data for marketing purposes.

Second:  We do not share your medical data for any purpose other than to complete a matter requested by you or if the law requires it.

We do share personal, financial, or medical data under the following circumstances:



Robert J. Cori, Principal
Cori Financial & Insurance Services
5435 Scotts Valley Dr., Suite E
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Phone  (831) 438-2404
Fax      (831) 438-2426


Support Help

Insurance Support Group

Insurance and Quoting Firms

Medical, Dental and Vision

Service Providers                            

Insurance Entity or HMO             

Law Enforcement, Regulators,

Or the Courts

Group Policy Holders

Lien Holders and Co-owners         

Businesses Who Intend to Buy


Computer services, claim processors, accounting, legal, etc.

Insurance physical exam firms, Medical Information Bureau, etc.

General agents, computer quoting services, enrollment services, etc.

Physicians, dentists, hospital, etc.

 Carriers or insurers you have coverage with.

 In response to a subpoena, a court order, to obtain government benefits, stop fraud or theft, etc.

Employers or groups you have coverage through, etc.

Others with a legal interest in any policies.


Businesses Who Intend to Buy      Other broker/advisors who intend to buy our business in whole or in part, etc.

You have the right to access, copy, review and request correction of the data we collect and maintain.

We act on all requests made to us, promptly. If you believe there is an error in your data, you may request in writing that it be corrected. We will notify you of appropriate corrections or we will advise you as to why any requested changes cannot be made.


We will renew our Privacy Promise to you annually. We may change our privacy policies and practices from time to time. These changes may be a result of new laws or regulations, court rulings, changing business practices, etc. If we do make material changes, we will notify you prior to making them. You can contact our office at any time and receive a copy of our latest privacy policy.


Please contact our office with any questions or requests relating to this privacy notice.